a softball player throwing a ball on a field

The Online Diamond Academy

ODA is an all-inclusive online addon for youth recreation, travel and school softball programs acting as an extension of the player and/or team. We take a different approach to offer motivational and goal-oriented services to increase performance by providing a convenient way to work around practice times, homework and everyday life and still be able to get the additional training to excel.

The Online Diamond Academy (ODA) is your new age tool for softball training for players, parents and coaches.


Subscribe for specials and updates

ODA has found that the increased performance of players helps boost confidence on and off the field, helps the team elevate performance, has a natural development for leadership, aligns with college scholarship goals, increases recruiting opportunities, contributes to general personal happiness

We offer convenient softball training programs for players in pitching, hitting, catching, fielding, conditioning, gameday stats and data analysis, setting statistical / metric driven goals, general counseling to overcome mental blocks and provide motivational support to persevere through goals and objectives and much more from experienced professionals with over 20 years of coaching at every level.

“I have worked with over 1500 youth softball athletes ranging from recreational, JR High, High School, travel and college softball with a major focus on pitching. The confidence that comes from being good at what you do carries off the field into your everyday life.”

- Coach K

Online Softball Training Services

The Online Diamond Academy (ODA) is your new age tool for softball training for players, parents and coaches.

Player Training
woman wearing brown Easton baseball mitt playing baseball
woman wearing brown Easton baseball mitt playing baseball
a family standing in a field at sunset
a family standing in a field at sunset
date organizer clipboard
date organizer clipboard
  • An add on to your school or travel ball training to rise above the competition

  • Motivational support to push ahead

  • Building confidence

  • Set goal-oriented objectives to better the sport

  • One-on-one counseling

  • Personal reflection and understanding of your previous season stats

  • Help understand your role on your team this year and how you can work towards changes you would like to work towards

  • Assistance in recruiting for the next level

Parent Support & Services
  • Advocacy for player stats, playtime and motivation

  • Counseling for on and off the field motivation to keep players focused

  • Guidance in the recruitment process

  • Support services to stay on track

  • Help in understanding how their player is currently being used on the team

  • Assisting in understanding stats, play time, game strategies to be better supporters of their daughter

Coach Support & Services
  • As a non-bias extension of an assistant coach

  • An outside assessment of;

  • Current game stats

  • How to utilize current pitchers / catchers

  • Assess batting order

  • Bounce ideas of different defensive strategy

  • A tool to review previous week’s stats for players and team as a whole

  • A tool to prepare for an upcoming tournament such as Nationals or World Series

  • A form of counseling to discuss situations or potential next actions needed with the team in regards to play time, strategy, direction of the team, etc.

  • Extra practice purchased from team funds given out to players on the team during offseason or that are in need for extra training to help the team excel


black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile

Training is purchased in 30 minute sessions (1 credit). Feel free to book your appointments and pay for a single session or purchase a pack as seen below.

| Recommended 1 hr weekly | Payments may be mailed VenMo |

Parent / Player
Single Credit (30 min) - $55
Two Credits (1 hr) - $80
Four Credits (2 hr) - $150
Eight Credits (4 hr) - $250

Single Credit (30 min) - $75
Two Credits (1 hr) - $125
Four Credits (2 hr) - $225
Eight Credits (4 hr) - $400

Coaches: Purchase a 16 pack of lessons to hand out to your players as you see fit for only $400